Thursday, January 21, 2010

books written for girls (guest post by Diana)

This is the very first guest post here on Much Love! I couldn't be happier knowing that it is written by one of my favourite bloggers: Diana of

You don’t have to get to me very well to know I am avid reader and lover of books. I love holding them in my hands and the leisure of it all and of course, I was hesitant about the Kindle and digital reading. However, as much as I love the printed word, I'm also an advocate for reading, even if it means making it as technological possible for people who normally don't read. There is nothing like reading an actual book, especially when it's a classic. When I saw these classic books embroidered (one of my favorite hobbies) in a form of a purse, I literally held my breath. I love books, purses and embroidery- the combination is too much to handle…

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Handmade by fashion designer Olympic Le Tan

Thank you, Anna for letting me guest post!


  1. oh those are lovely! I am with on the whole real book thing...but if digitally reading is the only way you can better that than nothing...but nothing is as great as cuddling up with a real book...and these are AMAZING!!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Those are so incredible!! I love them and now I really want one! Great guest post!

  3. Ooh I saw these in Frankie magazine. I think they're absolutely lovely. xx

  4. this is sooo awesome- great concept!

  5. These are fantastic!
    If I was a celebrity I would definitely carry one of these down the red carpet.

    Great post!

  6. These are amazing! I think, though I would certainly not kill, I would possibly maim for the Catcher in the Rye there... :)

    A wonderful guest post, I adore seeing a collaboration between two of my favorite people!!


  7. I know what you mean Diana as I am almost hyperventilating because of too much loveliness!

    And, also agree that any kind of reading is good for you and maybe it will prompt people unaccustomed to the joys of reading to give it a go and next time who knows they might pick up a nondigital book.

  8. Gorgeous! I love these!

    I'm a total book addict myself! A nice addition to the collection... some Madeline, Curious George, Winnie the Pooh... ;o)

    Great guest post, Diana!

  9. Wow, these are amazing. I was hesitant about digital reading but since I got my E-reader I've read so many books its been fantastic.

  10. Hy! I'm just reading The Catcher in the Rye in the original language and it's great. Wonderful covers, btw!

    You also have an award on my page!


  11. lovely!! and great guest post. Im a huge lover of books too. I love nothing more then getting a coffee and going to a good book store to browse the books.

  12. Wow! I've never seen these before. What a unique idea. I would totally grab the Catcher in the Rye one!

  13. These are so cool! and so Diana!

    I joined a book club recently and that's been helping me to read more often. It's just one of those things that I need to stay in the habit of doing and I love it when I do :)

  14. oh my god, i'm in love with the catcher in the rye purse!

  15. these are....amazing. wow. simply beautiful!!!!

  16. Talk about ingenuity at its finest! Great guest post, Diana :)

  17. i LOVE these! i just purchased the penguin classic beauties but these are gorgeous

  18. These are so completely gorgeous. Most of these are my favorites.

    Lulu Letty

  19. These are so delightful! Thank you for sharing! :D

  20. ooh I love guest posts:)
    and that is just awesome, embroidered purses in the shape of books!!!
    that's serious dedication!
    My favorite one is the Catcher in the Rye...amazing job:)

  21. these are great! makes the classics even more of a classic.. i do prefer holding a real book to a kindle, just something about it makes me really feel like im reading a book :)

  22. I've never seen these before, how cute! I want the one of The Catcher In The Rye. It's one of my favorite books. :)

  23. oh my goodness, these are amazing. i specially love the Salinger one, since that's my favorite book of all time. amazing.

  24. Oh God! I want them all!!! There're absolutely fantastic!!!

  25. I'm dying. Seriously dying. These are incredible!

  26. those are so amazing!

  27. oh my, these are amazing!!!!!!!

  28. I want to own these! So cute! I am in love with books.

  29. these are insanely gorgoues~!!

    immediate love!


  30. wow, these are genius.

  31. As both a literature geek and a fashionista I ♥ these! I want one SO badly!
