Monday, January 18, 2010

much love monday project: part 2

This is the second part of the much love monday project compilation. See part 1 here.

These ladies have much love for:
1. crochet 2. France 3. 4. my fiance 5. my dog 6. crafts and generally being creative 7.frozen blueberries 8. sweets and love story classics 9. sharing his excitement in discovering the world 10. Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros 11. naps 12.frangipanis 13. the online community 14. details 15. daydreaming 16. Much Love 17.Fireflies and Vanilla Twilight by Owl City 18. that Scott has a new job 19. these red mittens 20. my boyfriend 21. simply inspiring photography project like this one!

As you can tell, I've had to crop and resize the photos to fit into this post. So do take the time to visit everyone's blog to get a better look at the photos and read more about the things these creative bloggers love!

The final part of this month's compilation is coming up next week


  1. these are amazing! cant wait to see the final wonders next week (:

  2. ok, i saw the first first and i never got the shape but now i am looking away from the comp and i see the heart! genius!

    #2 is so sweet!

  3. I love looking through these! :D Everyone took such cute pictures!

  4. These are great! Can't wait to see mine next week :)
    Oh and I got your goodies in the mail today - thanks so much!

  5. Thanks again Anna for your hard work compiling these. I am loving looking through them all. ♥♥

  6. these are great! #5 "my dog" literally made me LOL! our dogs are so tolerant of the things that amuse us. heehee.

    thanks for including my sweets pic, Anna. that's so cool! :) i'm looking forward to part 3.

  7. This is so adorable, I really like the second picture :) Can't wait to see the last part !

  8. What an excellent idea!! Is it too late to enter? :)

  9. I am so excited to see my own as well as all the other pictures in this collage! I spent my whole morning browsing all of the blogs. It's just so hard to pull yourself away from the computer when everything's so lovely!

  10. I really love this idea. Both the collages turned out wonderfully and you posted mine, thanks:). I hope you will do other projects like this in the future.

  11. Hello There! I heard about your project from Emma Wallace's Blog.

    I'm a boudoir photographer in Toronto. As an art director, I have been bothered by the portrayal of negative images of women's menstruation in magazine, newspapers and tv. Women shown in pain, or grumpy from their cycles.

    So, I took it upon myself to direct a photo that celebrates women's cycles in a positive, but somewhat *graphic* format. It does involve a heart, and strategically placed strawberry sauce.

    I won't post the link here, as there may be some younger viewers. But if you wanted to see it, email me and I'll send you the link privately.


  12. This is so beautiful! I think this is the best idea ever:)


  13. Nice selection!Made me smile...

  14. how adorable !! i love the nose of the dog !!!!

  15. this is gorgeous, your blog is just so amazingly pretty!

  16. they are all so pretty and creative!!!

  17. I love seeing everyone's pictures! Again, this is such a great idea. :D

    And thanks for featuring my picture. :) I'm far from a skilled photographer, so it made me grin.

  18. it's so great to see that a lot of people have participated in this amazing project. Can't wait to see next weeks :)

  19. I love these. So simple and pretty! Great project...

  20. These are so fun to look through. I can't help but smile at each little picture :)

  21. part 2 is up, woohoo!! looks like your project is a success and going to be an on going thing! nice one.
