much love monday project: RED


After last month's successful Much Love Monday project, I'm now accepting submissions for this month's Much Love Monday. The rules of the game is the same as last time, only now I thought it would be nice to have a little theme: all heart shapes must be in the colour red. Not too hard, right? Especially with valentine's coming up, there should be plenty of red love hearts around! So, here's what you'll need to do...

Do a blog post, which includes:
1. A photo of a RED love heart shape (taken by you)
It can be of anything, as long as a red heart shape is clearly visible. It MUST be photographed by you, not taken from the internet. It can be any size, but preferably a square shape. I will resize and crop all submitted images when I put them together.
2. Write at least ONE thing that you love
It can be anything! Please write it at the beginning of the blog post so I can find it right away.
3. Once you've done the post, leave a link in the comments of this post
4. Submissions will close by the end of February
I will start compiling the photos and posting them starting from next Monday. So if you submit something this week (before Sunday), I'll post it next Monday. If you submit it in the following week, I'll post it on the following Monday. The submissions in the last week will be posted on the first Monday of March.
5. Have fun!
Don't worry if you don't have a fancy camera or don't think you're the best photographer around... it's not about that! I believe that every photo will be unique and interesting, no matter what kind of photography skills you have.

P.S. If you don't have a blog (or if you do, but don't want to do a post), you can email me your image and answer.
*EDIT* if you do choose to email, please put "Much Love Monday - February" in the subject, and do comment on this post afterwards to let me know about it.

Any questions, feel free to ask.

39 little notes:

Diana said...

yay! love this project!

Caroline said...

Love love this idea.... just sent you a photo!! xo

Lorelle said...

This project is lovely! I definitely have to give it a go! Gotta find a pretty red heart first though D:

Diane said...

Yey, I want to do it:D

Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

Count me in again! I think it will be even prettier because it'll match more. I'm glad to hear you are having another project. I shall think about it for a while and I'll let you know when I'm done.

daisychain said...

Ohhh I must see what/if I can find that is red!

Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw your post, I felt the need to make it happen. So there's the post. Hope it turned out ok.

Thanks for making nice projects!

PS:, cause it's the last post.

naomuack said...

awwww too cute <3
i love heart <3

Sher said...

Can't wait to see the end result of this project:)


Krissy (Shimmer Like Gold) said...

This was a lot of fun last time, so you'll likely be getting a submission from me again this time. :D


Ooh! I'm glad you're doing this again. I'm gonna try to participate!

△▾christine▴▽ said...

ahhh i'm so in love with you blog! it makes my heart melt, almost everytime!

this is such a fun project. i definitely want to participate.!

thanks for taking time to host this project. we are a bunch of lucky readers :)

have a lovely week!!

SaraJ said...

good prodj:)

isaksmom said...

Thanks for this project, I enjoyed creating my banner especially for this.
Here is a link to my post

Anna said...

you are so stinkin' cute & creative! i love it! :)

natalie said...

Here's my submission!

Diana said...

ha, i just edited it!! thanks for the tip!

virgo said...

Hey !

Love your project !!!!

Your blog is beautiful Lady Stephanie !



Unknown said...

done :)

Rebecca said...

I've been looking around for a red heart and I finally found one! My submission is here:

Wonderful project! :)

twirling betty said...

Love being able to do this again.

Just like Martha said...

Hi there, just found you thru my buddy - yay - I can play along this week I have a red heart made by luv by ME! Check it out at the way I LOVE "CRAFTING"..and discovering new talented people!

Gena @ Thinking Aloud said...

Hi there! new to this, not sure how to join, but here is my submission :
Gena @ Thinking Aloud
a photoblog

Jane said...

another great BLOG discovered ! hope to get you my heart this week.

Icy BC said...

I've just post it mine, and I hope I did it right.

Rhianne said...

I love your projects :)

Franca said...

here's mine for this month:

Blessing Reflections said...

We also had ours up! This was fun!

Laura Loo said...

I have a couple photos on my Valentine's Day post..

1) I love making homemade cards!
(see my Valentine card!)
2) I love baking yummy treats!
(see my Red Velvet cake!)

Matilda said...

I just posted my picture for this project on my blog!!!
Here's the link:

Thank you for having this great idea!

Anonymous said...

i'm happy i made it. thanks for clarifying this!

these MLMPs are fun!

Chi Designs said...

Hi Anna,

Love this idea. :)


Jennifer said...

Another lovely project ! Perfect timing ! Me blog post is up & I added my "Much Love Monday" photograph & "what I love" - search half way through ze post & you shall find ! x

Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

Ok, I just finished my entry. Here it is:

Chloë, Wardrobe Quarry said...

I've just done your project, heres the link

fiwee said...

This is such a sweet idea! Thanks to you and your lovely blog!
Here's my blogpost, hope you like:

Alexandra said...

Just did my post, this was so fun!!

Cypress said...

What a fantastic idea! Thanks for hosting this! Here is my entry- it's at the top.

Kellie said...

Oops, i forgot to include a heart picture in the blog post I just put up! :O Here's a link to one of my favorite red heart photos, though:

And my blog link is: