light reading


dress - Duchess, cardi - Sportsgirl, belt - thrifted, tights - a clearance outlet
fabric hair clip - made by me (so proud, I had to take a close up shot... haha!), but with much guidance and help from my friend Jennifer.
book - The Best of David Hamilton

Sorry for my sudden absence for the past few days, but didn't the guest bloggers do an AMAZING job? So much so that I hope you're not too disappointed to have me back already! ;)

If you're wondering what book I'm holding, it's the David Hamilton book I blogged about before. SO gorgeous, I still can't get enough of it. Speaking of books, if you're a member of the Slow Readers book club like me, you may have noticed that the new book has just been announced (yay!). This time, it's Richard Brautigan's "The Abortion", and I've been able to get it from my library already (which only seems right after finding out that the story is set in a public library). I'm still half way through, but so far it's been quirky, funny, and pleasantly easy to read, so I imagine it won't take me much longer to finish. That's saying something for me, someone who has started reading way too many books that she never actually finished *sigh* the shame..

P.S. I'm sponsoring a giveaway over at Yes and Yes! Go there to win my Dahliaville buttons and pocket mirror!

20 little notes:

Karin van Dam said...

Cute little hairclip. Looking at gorgeous pictures never gets boring, does it? Some photographs are just so inspiring you just can look at them for ages, again and again and again.

Have a great weekend!

Rebecca said...

Oh I do like your dress paired with the yellow cardi! Your book flipping gif is so cute :)

lauren, curious constellation said...

Your outfit is so cute! I love all the different patterns and colours together.

Aileen Kim said...

am so in love with your yellow cardigan and the pictures are amazing!

Unknown said...

I'll have to research David Hamilton because the little preview I get in these photos are so tantalising. Talking about blogging absences, so sorry not to have visited you for a while but happy to see you doing so well and taking great, fun photos :)

daisychain said...

that is the cutest hairclip! love your outfit xx

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures. I love the cute, little barrette!:)
xx, Alice from bells and whistles.

Anonymous said...

Your so cute! I have got to get my hands on that book too it looks gorgeous :)

raspberry pancakes said...

your hairclip is precious! and i may have to check out any book set in a public library...

Stéphanie said...

I love your dress Anna!

LookingGlassGirl said...

I love your dress :)

shawni marie said...

This is so beautiful. I love your blog <3

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

looove your outfit. and love the motion picture. love it all.

happy weekend, friend.

maría cecilia said...

Hola, your blog is outstanding, filled with so much sensibility.
greetings from Chile,
maria cecilia

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely little hair clip! I loved the gif too :D

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



A Flourishing Perspective said...

Hey dollface!

Glad to have you back. :) And I never got a chance to look at the guest bloggers posts--but I am sure they were fantastic.

Yes! I've seen some of these pictures from this book on different blogs and fell in love--I now think I need this book--Christmas wish list??


Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

Aw, cute hair clip! Nice work :)

That book must be wonderful. I hope you're enjoying it. Well, that's silly to say - I'm sure you are!

Oh my. Your dress is a dream. Florals, polka dots AND stripes? :)

Jennifer said...

Awwe the photos I took turned out really lovely! I knew the motion pictures would turn out so perfectly! Heheh that clip is cute & I'm glad you like it!