Vintage dress - Golden Palomino, at the Suzuki night market throughout this summer.
'70s bag - Beta Boutique.
Remember when I used to do outfit posts? It's been a while, no? Not gonna lie, I have missed it. I put the blame on not finding the time, a photo-worthy outfit, and most importantly someone to patiently help me take my self indulgent photos. Luckily this past weekend, I had all three. Many thanks to Penny for being my kind photographer!
I got this peachy yellow vintage dress last week at the night market at Queen Victoria Market. It's a couple of sizes larger than what I usually wear, but once I tie the sash tightly around the waist, it fits as the perfect swishy summer dress. I'm loving how the flowy fabric moves and falls. Not sure when it was made, but it reminds me of the 70s - a decade I seem to be mildly attracted to right now.
P.S. blog readers, would you like to see more outfit posts? Or not so much? Or don't really care?
27 little notes:
This yellow dress is a cutie! Yes, more outfit pics, please. Judging by this pic, you have an amazing wardrobe :).
Hope you're having a nice day!
awww your dress is soo pretty!! It works with the sash & the oversize so well!!! =)
Melanie's Randomness
I think this is a lovely post!! And I don't mind the outfit posts!Bringing them together with all the others, I think it would be nice!
i'd love to see them again. :)
so pretty and fun! Yes more outfit posts!
Aw, now it's my turn to say you look amazing! Your yellow frock is lovely and that's such a nice color on you. Good call on the sash. I bet it's fun to swish that skirt around :)
The 70s are great decade for inspiration. I really enjoyed that 70s-style editorial you posted a few weeks back (though I don't think I said so then...).
It's perfect! Love the sunny yellow. )
how beautiful and warm and sunny you look.
i am covered in snow. :( no dresses for me.
It looks very 70's to me. It's gorgeous & the size makes it look so flowy & perfect for Summer.
Oh ! my dear Anna !
You're lovely !
This dress is just a dream! So vintage it hurts! Loving how it sways with the wind, just lovely! And I think you should post whatever makes your heart skip a beat. <3
i looove that yellow dress!! it looks great!! yes!! more outfit posts please!!!! :D
i love the gif! you look great in yellow, too.
how cute!
i love that animated gif!
Yay for outfit posts! The dress is super cute on you, it really does have a lovely oversized drape to it :)
Everything about these photos is stunning!!!
I love your blog, its so full of pretty wonderful things! Yellow is my favorite, so this post was just perfect.
aww you look really cute :)
Oh, such a pretty dress!
P.S. Yeah, I still get around the blogosphere some, but I had to stop commenting...I was receiving 100+ everyday & it was overwhelming.
eee, I've been waiting to see this and its so beautiful! No wonder you were excited about it :)
love the yellow camera/dress combo too :)
What a stunning dress sweetie, love it. x
oh why didn't I find your blog sooner? It's absoluetly lovely! I just love it!!! ♥
oh and your dress is so pretty!
That is such a pretty dress! It looks wonderful on you.
And I really like the gif picture.
your dress is adorable. it's perfectly oversized (like you said) and i actually like how it has breathing room. the tangerine color is perfect.
Outfit posts are always good! Cute dress.
cool! very nice dress
Thanks for post your blog
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