Monday, February 28, 2011

much love monday

A shout out to my friend Grace who took this Much Love Monday photo for me.
On that note, what I'm loving right now: my IRL (that's 'In Real Life' in case you were wonderin') friends who are supportive of my blog! I hope you know who you are, and you are awesome (even if you do only read my blog once a month!). ^^

What are you loving?
To join in Much Love Monday, simply do a blog post that includes a picture of a heart and mention something you love. Then leave a link of your blog post in the space below, by clicking on the "Add your link" button. If for any reason you can't add your link, please put it in the comments instead.

I'd really appreciate it if you do link back, 
either by a text link or simply grab this button:

Please note and respect: this space is for Much Love Monday blog posts ONLY, not a promotional space. If I notice that your link has nothing to do with Much Love Monday (unfortunately this has happened from time to time), I will have to delete the link.

You can also add your Much Love Monday photos to the Much Love Monday Flickr pool.


  1. ah I oculdn't leave a link, but played along this week with much love monday :)
    great meme!
    Pepper x

  2. Happy much-love monday, Anna!
    Lots of love for you!

  3. yum you totally have me craving a cupcake! happy monday! :)

  4. Wishing you a great week!
    It is so odd, but my post is almost about the same theme that yours is, so what can I say, but great minds think alike!
    And I'd like to mention again what a lovely collaboration you host here. May you enjoy many a sweet cupcake, both literal and metaphorical! :)

  5. Yum..I'd love a cupcake just now!! Must make some soon..that one is so pretty..have a sweet monday!! xx

  6. fantastic idea! i might have to partake in this when i can :)lovely photo.
    love your blog,

    beth x

  7. Thank you so much for letting us all join in with Much Love Monday, it's such a cute tradition! Lovely picture too!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  8. I could just lick the screen to have a taste of that icing! Yummo!! x

  9. P.S. Does anyone know if there a way to include those button links in google blogger without having to know HTML?

  10. Hi Greta,

    you can simply copy and paste the code I provided onto your blog (you don't need to know HTML).
    Did you want to put the button in your blog post or on the blog's side menu?

    If you want to put it on your sidebar:
    1. go to the "Design" option in blogger
    2. on the side menu, click "Add a Gadget"
    3. Select "HTML/Javascript"
    4. copy and paste my code into the contents box
    5. done!

    Let me know if you need any help!

  11. Anna, thank you so much for the detailed instructions: I have successfully added the button!

    One day I (or someone who knows how) will revamp the look of my blog and the button will look even better, on a better background, but for now, it is at least there! :)

    Sending you 'a box of cupcake wishes,' Greta.

  12. adorable! so cute - happy monday! x

  13. I really need to make sure I don't visit blogland while I am hungry!

    Thanks for hosting again. I love forcing myself to think positively on a Monday. It really helps :)

  14. Today as I was posting about the yogurt cake I baked yesterday I realized I was telling my readers about something I love and I had my heart shaped cake picture on there. Perfect for much love monday. I have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to participate and today was meant to be!

    Thank you!

  15. adorable cupcake! and the much love monday is always interesting :)
    have a great day

  16. How sweet is that cupcake! The icing looks really good. Happy Monday, Anna! :)

    p/s: I've linked you on my blog. x

  17. I love Much Love Monday posts even though I end up reading them a few days after the fact, hehe. I really need to start playing along! I have a few ideas a-brewing, so I should really put them in blog post form :)
