much love monday [breakfast]

Love: nothing like a good breakfast to start the day! Cream cheese on toast, poached egg, grape tomatoes, and a cup of mixed fruit juice. 

What's on your breakfast table?

To join in Much Love Monday, simply do a blog post that includes a picture of a heart and mention something you love. Then leave a link of your blog post in the space below, by clicking on the "Add your link" button. If for any reason you can't add your link, please put it in the comments instead.

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You can also add your Much Love Monday photos to the Much Love Monday Flickr pool.

21 little notes:

esme and the laneway said...

Aww, heartshape eggs, cute! And yum.

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

so cute and so yummy!!! you just made me hungry. hehe.

Jasmin said...

such cute photos. i'm very jealous of your heart shaped egg, my normal shaped eggs pale in comparison! x

pocketwonders said...

Whoa, is it Monday already?

This is so cute! Breakfast just got more lovely.

Unknown said...

ooh yum! nice poached egg :D
my breakfast today was a chocolate chip pancake, some fruits, and a mushroom, cheese, and spinach omelet!

Carys said...

Adorable pictures!!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Marinka said...

I love that breakfast..How did you managed to make you poached egg into a heart shape..its so cute?
My breakfast consisted of croissant and tea, classic but good ^^

emma wallace said...

Eggs like a heart! Was that hard to do? And you're right - a good breakfast starts the day off perfectly! My perfect breakfast usually has a lot more sugar involved...

Lavender Playground said...

That is so cute, I want to try making a heart shaped egg next time.

jen said...

I love how you made the heart-shaped egg! you must teach me that next time... :)

Anonymous said...

it's about midnight here in the US and your photos are making my HUNGRY. thanks a lot, anna. :)

Little queue said...

Those heart shaped eggs are so lovely.Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. Mine usually consists of museli and yoghurt.

Claire Sun said...

so lovely!!

ane pixestos said...

Bon apetit and bonne week!
Oops, I posted my photo the first time minus the heart, but have since remedied the situation. What is Much Love without a heart! Best wishes, Greta

daisychain said...

Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day! This morning I had almonds/honey porridge made with coconut milk and toast with cream cheese and marmite :)

Dika Dewi said...

nice photos...
i Love the bread..

Tornadoes and Tigers said...

Yum! I might join in for Much Love Monday next week : )

jillian :: cornflake dreams. said...

yum! that egg looks tasty. today i had an english muffin with cream cheese for breakfast :) xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams

PhotoPuddle said...

Aw, what a cute breakfast!

Lane said...

I have a sponsor giveaway going on at my blog and would love for you to join in!

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

Mmm, looks delicious. A heart shaped egg - cuuute! And I love your mug to bits. That is such a sweet print.