Thursday, March 31, 2011

sponsor spotlight: For the Easily Distracted

Today I bring you an interview with Rhianne - the wonderful lady behind the photography shop For the easily distracted, as well as a blog of the same name.

1. Hi Rhianne! Let's start with you telling us a bit about yourself.

Hi! My name is Rhianne and and I love to blog and take photos. I also love the beach, dark chocolate, puppies, my analogue cameras, mustard yellow and roast vegetables. I live in England and I try to take my film cameras everywhere with me.

2. When did you start getting into photography?

I've always loved taking photos, I remember playing with an old instamatic camera when I was little all the time however I didn't get back into film photography seriously until 2009 when I brought my first toy camera, my holga 135bc - things took off from there and I've been buying more cameras and films to experiment with ever since.

3. How would you describe your photography style?

Opportunistic most of the time. I don't plan photos, I don't wait for the sun to hit the right spot or go to certain places to get certain shots... I feel like I'm searching for something but I don't know what until I see it and I want to remember it. Then I take a photo of it and just try to capture of much of it as I can in that one click. Most of my photos are of landscapes or static street objects, like telephone boxes, sign posts, buildings... I like the idea of trying to show other people how I see things that I see all the time.

4. What do you love about shooting with film as opposed to digital?

I think its the challenge... the idea of capturing as much light as you can in one click and it being exposed permenantly onto the negative. You can't check it to see how it looks and then delete it if its rubbish - you have one shot, one chance to make that photo count, to collect as much of that moment as you can and for it to be amazing. I love a challenge!

5. Favourite camera and film to shoot with:

Oh, this is quite hard as it changes constantly. I love my little holga and my superheadz yellow peace but right now I'm in a bit of a diana mini phase and I am loving Lomography's redscale film - it adds a completely different dimension to your photos that can take them completely out of their original context which I love. Also it edits so well to black and white - its almost like you're getting two photos for the price of one and they look and feel so different.

6. Favourite photo you've taken (please show us, and tell us a bit about it):

This is hard too as it changes all the time as well, however I'm going to decide on this photo: Winter Moon.


I took this photo after we got back from Krakow and I needed to finish off my holga roll - I took the camera to work and just clicked away, there was no intention behind it, just the joy of taking photos. It was the end of the roll so it wasn't even meant to be a double exposure so I love this photo for the surprise of it as much as the final result.

7. Is there anything new/different you'd like to try, photography-wise?

I desperately want an LC-A camera but I'm going to be patient and wait until I an truly afford it and I'll have the time to really appreciate it. I also really want to try cross processing film and experiment with more intentional double exposures, I love the unpredictable nature of some aspects of film photography.

8. What inspires you?

People constantly inspire me, especially through blogging - I've met so many talented and creative people who have such amazing outlooks on life that its hard to feel dispondent and negative when there is so much to be inspired by in the world. I love looking at other people photos too - how they see life, how they differ from mine and how they reflect the photographer. Even if you stood two people in the same place with the same camera their photos would be different somehow and I love that.

9. If you could go ANYWHERE in the world (with your cameras of course!), where would you want to go and what do you want to take photos of?

Everywhere! Europe, Japan, Australia, America. I would love to see it all and capture it all. Top of my list at the moment though is Paris, we're going later this year and I can't wait to take photos of everything - the eiffel tower, the architecture, the bridges(!) perhaps even the people. I want to experience as much as I can!

Thank you Rhianne!
Make sure you check out Rhianne's Etsy shop for her beautiful photography prints :)


  1. Lovely interview ♥
    I love her blog.

  2. Lovely interview, I love her blog too! Beautiful photos, always inspiring me to take more and not to forget film.

  3. Lovely interview.. nice photo.. great choice! Will you make an interview contribution for my Huff Magazine
    next edition (girls edition with theme: Dream).. contact me at if you're interested..

    The Picnic Girl

  4. She seem a lovely girl. Her photos are great. Love reading this interview.

    Belated Happy birthday to you, Anna.

  5. Great interview!! nice photography style! love the blog name too!

  6. Great interview..she's fab!! Have a great weekend x

  7. Hi, I wanted to let you know I'm having a giveaway at my blog. 5 artists are giving away their items which means 5 winners!

  8. Such a wonderful interview. I love lomography- it's such a divine way of photography.

    Also, love her blog.

    Both of you are beautiful beautiful beautiful



    amy !
