Friday, April 22, 2011

attention to detail

camera: Olympus OM-10 SLR, film: Lucky black and white film SHD 100

Hooray for long weekends!! Totally need and loving this 5 day weekend we're getting (in Australia). I started it off by having one the most relaxing (re: lazy) Fridays I've had in a long time. It feels so refreshing to sleep in and not worry about catching an early tram for a change! Tomorrow I'm making pancakes and then will be heading out with my camera, maybe to the beach.

How are you spending this long weekend? Are you going on a trip somewhere? Spending time with your family? Or just kicking back and enjoying a well-deserved break?

P.S. The winners for the vantiani postcards giveaway are #8 Bianca J, and #26 Zoe. Congratulations! I'll be in touch with you shortly.


  1. happy Easter and happy long weekend, I love them too :)
    beautiful photos by the way

  2. adorable pictures as always, Anna!!:)


  3. These are beautiful, Anna. Black and white adds so much drama to photos, doesn't it? Great shots

  4. Dear me I wish I had a long weekend! You enjoy yourself! And the pictures are lovely!

  5. I'm just going to be taking it easy. I've got quite a bit of school work to get done before we go back so I haven't planned much.

  6. These shots are great. Lovely attention to detail. Happy Easter!

  7. love your detailed close up photos!
    YAY long weekend!! i just emailed you!

  8. Love your black and white photos!

    happy long weekend :)

  9. i had the exact same type of friday! and yet it never seems long enough...

  10. Don't have a long weekend here, but what we have is going to be spent with family and friends.
    My Blog

  11. Gorgeous details dear Anna! Wishing you a lovely weekend also... day at the beach sounds amazing!

  12. You have a great eye for detail! The black and white film somehow makes the leaves appear more brittle... love that.
