Sunday, July 17, 2011

just a minte... in July

Camera: wide lens SuperHeadz. Film: Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia 200

After seeing Liss's post, I wanted to do one of these just a minute posts again. Feel free to play along too :)

Watching... Pushing Daisies Season 1 and Chuck Season 4. Both Chucks in both shows are adorable.
Listening... Biggest Bluest Hi-Fi by Camera Obscura. Apparently it was released a decade ago, so I'm a bit late!
Reading... the Cry of the Go-Away Bird by Andrea Eames.
Making... tofu stir-fry tonght.
Playing... Shadow Shot Sunday with this photo. Go to Hey Harriet to see what Shadow Shot Sunday is all about.
Adding... those little social media share buttons at the bottom of my blog posts. Now you can tweet or +1 or like my posts, if, like. Heh.


  1. I saw this post over at Daydream Lily. Such a good idea ... & I hear Pushing Daisies is a great show, I just never seem to have time for TV *sigh*

    Kelly @
    Elegantly Academic 

  2. I love 'Pushing Daisies'! I want all the dresses Chuck wears. And it always makes me crave pie when I watch it!

  3. Hi there love this popst hope your having the best Sunday ever!Darn it I missed your gorgeous skirt post,no pun intended tee hee!Have a stylish week. Sharon x

  4. Good idea....and great shadow shot!!

    My shadow this week is of a horn cleat [what you use to tie up a boat at the dock]


    Hope your weekend has treated you well.

  5. Ah, that is sweet. I like the idea and I guess I need to try one like this later on today, too. :)
    I love "Pushing Daisies" - it's been way too long since I last watched it.

    Happy Sunday. XOXO.

  6. I love camera obscura! I can't believe that that album is a decade old, wow.

  7. What a sweet photo! I love Camera Obscura! Don't worry, I discovered them quite late also :)

    I hope you enjoyed your stir-fry. Yum!

  8. Great photo!
    I haven't seen pushing daisies for ages! It's such a lovely show.

  9. A contemplative scene.


    Imagine a shadow could talk
    In whisper or rumble or squawk;
    Just what would it say
    To make you go, “Hey!
    You’re just a chip off the old block!”?

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadows abound here and here

  10. I like this composition with opened book and all that shadows.


  11. love this post :) i might try to do one soon! :D

  12. Beautiful shadow shot!

    My shadows, hope you can visit and see. Have a great week ahead!

  13. Ohh I love Pushing Daises! I was oh-so sad when it was cancelled! Boo!

    Lost in the Haze

  14. Pushing Daisies might have been my favourite tv series- still cannot get why they stopped so abruptly!

  15. love pushing daisies :) and I've just started that book too... it seems good so far
