Sunday, August 21, 2011

august break day #21

 camera: Wide Lens Superheadz, film: Lucky black and white film, SHD 100

Following the theme of camera reflections, here's a half reflection of my fingers and Superheadz camera on the fuzzy train window. See?

This weekend has been so nice! Melbourne was kind enough to turn on some lovely sunny weather for a change.


  1. nice blog :) u have a very interesting photo's :) mind to visit mine?

  2. The weather has been pretty awesome in Adelaide too. And yes, I can see your hand/camera ... :)

    Kelly @
    Elegantly Academic

  3. I really like your blog and your photographs. I've always loved taking pictures myself, and even though I'm quite the amateur, I recently decided to upload more of my photos to my blog. Feel free to have a look and give some comments or advice :)

    xx Viola
