I bought this gorgeous Greta Garbo book at a closing down bookshop, for 80% off. I also tweetedsomepages over the weekend.
She does not have a scar on her cheek, by the way. That's the damaged book cover's fault.
Greta is one of my all time idols - so wonderful and mysterious! I actually saw an amazing doco about her a few weeks back - she had quite a sense of humour too it turns out! Who would have thunk it? :0)
4 little notes:
oh, what a doll!
fabulous find! x
It's always very nice when books are that cheap. Becuase they are uauallt very expencive. Hope you enjoy it!
Greta is one of my all time idols - so wonderful and mysterious! I actually saw an amazing doco about her a few weeks back - she had quite a sense of humour too it turns out! Who would have thunk it? :0)
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