Sunday, September 18, 2011

shadow shot sunday

camera: Wide Lens Superheadz, film: Lucky black and white film, SHD 100

this is a new day today/ 
snapping your fingers, tapping your toes/ 
you are humming a tune, you know you know/
- On the Borderline, Sally Seltman
Heart That's Pounding

Linking this up for Hey Harriet's Shadow Shot Sunday


  1. Oh wow! That photo is beautiful! And I love the song that goes with it :)

  2. Excellent photography and beautiful song.

    Regards and best wishes

  3. Fabulous shot, the light is gorgeous. Happy weekend.:)

  4. possibly my favourite shadow shot yet x

  5. Film? You used FILM to get this superlative shot? Of course you did! Wonderful!


    My shadow and I are very best friends;
    We walk hand in hand, though the sidewalk ends.

    No matter the time of day or of night,
    My shadow and I will always stick tight.

    We don’t even think of drifting apart,
    For shadow and I are one soul and one heart.

    To have such a friend is heaven, you see,
    For I love my shadow, and shadow loves me.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shady Lady Aster

  6. This is one of my favorite photos by you. It's stunning.

    P.S. I see on your sidebar that you're reading One Day. I just finished it. How are you liking it?
