vintage beach beauties


I've been browsing images of vintage bathing suits lately, which brought me to these perfectly styled 1950s photographs. I love that there was a time when beach wear could look sophisticated and even a bit glamorous.

Photography by Nina Leen. Found on flickr.

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34 little notes:

Monika - Twoja Asystentka said...

awesome! now this fashion comes back, so we also can look like these beauties :)

My Passport to Style said...

Oh my stunning pictures, I love! You made one Style Guru very happy!
Just thought you might want a heads up on my spell bound giveaway over on My Passport to Style-you can win a gorgeous bespoke hair accessory worth $45.00!You do need to post about the giveaway either on Facebook, your blog or twiiter and link back to me! Good luck sweetie! Sharon xxx

Daisy said...

I adore these !

Clare said...

i love them, wish i owned the checked one in the bottom picture. swimsuits used to be so much more elegant x

Anonymous said...

Yes... Strawberry Kitten was my old blog.

I love the pictures... adorable snapshots!

Sharon said...

love love love

soph // and other things said...

You're right, these are perfectly styled! I wish I was half as glamourous as these ladies when I hit the beach. Something to aspire to I guess haha

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures. Looking for a new bikini, maybe I should go for something like these ;) x

Harlow Darling said...

Oh if only they still made these and sold them at the shops...these are so gorgeous...whatever happened to became more like under wear...
It really is too bad, I would actually bother going to the beach if swimwear these days was this lovely!


Anna said...


Anonymous said...

Cuuute! I'm so ready for summer and beach time with the girls.

Lisa said...

Ooh I love these!

Anonymous said...

Ugh I want one so bad!!

Jen said...

I adore the hats! 1950s swimwear was so elegant and sophisticated. Nothing like the triangle bikinis and thongs of today!

Maria Confer said...

These photos are amazing. I want to look this sophisticated and beautiful in my swimsuit.

Lulu Letty

jozen said...

love it! puts me in the perfect mood for my upcoming hawaii trip!

Lady Grey said...

Fun! These sun hats are fabulous!

Emma Lavelle said...



Christina said...

the nautical shirts and adorable swimsuits are perfection!

Anonymous said...

these are so lovely + cool. thanks for sharing.

xo Alison

Lulu said...

i've seen that last photo before...they're all gorgeous! and i love love love vintage/vintage style bathing suits. especially one pieces, they're so fun!

Gracie said...

They are so glamourous with their pretty swimsuits. And their hair is always done up to perfection. The pictures are really pretty.

babalisme said...

I HEART vintage swimsuit, they're more figure friendly than today's bikinis and tankinis or something in between.

do you know ? Agnita the owner makes custom order swimsuit, and I just ordered a sailor theme one. :)

A said...

amazing photography

Unknown said...

Oh, what a delight to look at! I love these types of swimsuits -- they're almost like mini-dresses these days. :-) And, I adore the photography, too!

polli said...


Anonymous said...

I love it.


anna said...

these are truly lovely!

Sally said...

I love these!! Those bathing suits are so glamorous and lovely!

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

Sigh. I, too, love the sophistication of vintage bathing suits.

laura tj said...

just unbelievably beautiful and elegant!

becca said...

Wouldn't it be fun if women got all dressed up to go to the beach?
They used to wear special stockings and dresses just to swim!
So cute- I love all these pictures

Camille Anastasia said...

That's where I got my vintage swim wear! Fits great AND they have a bunch of other cool stuff...incase you're interested.

Erin James said...

love these photos!
just found your blog and am your newest follower!
follow back if you'd like :)
