much love monday [holga photo!]

As promised: my first Holga photo on the blog! This photo was probably the most "normal" looking one out of the whole roll, because most of the other photos are a bit of a mess (I think I went crazy experimenting with the different lens filters, but I'll show them to you later on in the week). I used a red flash on this photo, which probably didn't do much but intensify the red hearts and added a hint of red on the tree branch where the string hangs on. I have to say I'm impressed by the sharp focus and depth of field (that's what it's called, right? hah, am such a newbie), which I would have expected from an SLR but not from a lomo (the newbie is learning!).

Oh, and the the heart garland is from Katrina of Pugly Pixel and Mr. Rabbit Sir.

To join in Much Love Monday, simply do a blog post that includes a picture of a heart and mention something you love. Then leave a link of your blog post in the Linky space below, and put it in the thing you love as the title. A link back would be much appreciated.  
If you cannot see the Linky, please leave your link in the comments.
You can also add your Much Love Monday photos to the Much Love Monday Flickr pool. 

21 little notes:

kirsten said...

i love that photo! its so beautiful.

h.tea said...
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ilene @ muchloveilly said...

sweet photo, anna! i love it!!!! i wanna a holga.

happy monday (in Australia - we have less than an hr until then)!!!

h.tea said...

The hearts are so cuute! I love the set up and the way you edited (adding the sticky tape like background?) LOL! :D

Carmel's Closet said...

I love your Holga too! Happy Monday!

gina said...

Beautiful picture! I can't wait to see more photos from it!

Unknown said...

I'm totally astounded by the depth of field too, especially considering it's a toy camera. Yay for new formats and cameras :)

Rhianne said...

Anna, as if thats your first holga photo - thats amazing! I'm hugely impressed. my first roll was a disaster!!


Hey Harriet said...

Wow that's gorgeous Anna! And congrats on surviving your first day on the new job!

Tegan said...

holga's are sooo risky like that, you get so many pictures that you have paid to get developed that turn out wrong... but then there's always a beautiful one that's worth it all :) xo

Mariña " La Marquesa" said...

The photo is beautiful!!! and as Ana I am surprised by the depth of field it has something unbalancing on it that makes me like it even more!

ashleyTIA said...

This picture is lovely! Can't wait to see more. :)

Stéphanie said...

I love that photo Anna !

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful, Anna. i feel inspired to bust out my holga now!

happy to see heart garland :) :) :).

Jess Roy said...

Purchasing my first Holga is in my near future...getting excited! :)

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous photo... I love it.



Harlow Darling said...

Lovely photo, that garland is gorgeous!

laura tj said...

can't wait to see more of your holga photos!

_ffyona said...

Nice! I see that you are very much in love with your new holga!

lesapeamusings.blogspot said...

That foto is the cutest.

Lisa xx

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

I've been super slow at blog commenting this week. I hate when I get behind on some of my favorites - like yours!

Since I'm talking about favorite things, this photo is easily one of my favorites of yours! I love it. The depth of field is really surprising, considering the camera. Very cool! I'm still so happy for you about winning the Holga :)