small world, big hearts


Camera: wide lens SuperHeadz. Film: Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia 200.

One of my favourite bloggers, Claradevi of the blog Sunflares Plethora, is having a charity sale for the victims of the recent Merapi eruptions in Indonesia. She is selling some awesome black&white Rollei cameras (!!), with all proceeds to be donated to the charity. I know that Claradevi and her friends have been working really hard in collecting and personally delivering donations for this cause - which is truly incredible of them! Things are still quite bad over there, so more help is still needed.

So if you fancy a cool new camera and want to help an excellent cause at the same time, go to this link, where you can also find some info on how to send donations.

8 little notes:

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Will check it out, such a great cause! Hope your Indonesian Family is all well, Anna!

daisychain said...

What a great cause, and those pictures are just stunning x

Tegan said...

oh god, I LOVE film photography! :D i tagged you in a post on my blog! :) xo

lauren, curious constellation said...

That is a brilliant idea!

herecomesthesun said...

wow cool thanks for sharing I'm off to check it out!

Claire Sun said...

In this small world, you're on of them who has the big hearts. Thanks for the shout-out and being our donor too!!

Ringa Dinga Boing Boing said...

i like your blog, really :)
Hope we can be friends.

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

So many good things in these photos. I love how the color of the globe nearly matches the color of the sky in the first photo. Noticing all the reflected objects in the second photo is almost like a game of I Spy.

What a great cause. I've been keeping Indonesia in my thoughts. I do hope that everyone you know there is safe.