winter in film - ♥ photos and guest post by Emily

Hello Much Love readers! This is Emily from the blog Resplendent Tranquility. Back in September, Anna was kind enough to fill in on my blog while I was away and I jumped at the opportunity to return the favor!

I'm so happy that blogging has allowed me to build a friendship with Anna. It's really quite amazing to think how without the internet and its various tools I'd be here and she'd be there unbeknown to one another. Quite often through blog posts, e-mails, and tweets on Twitter we discover more and more that we have in common. One of those commonalities is a shared appreciation for film photography. I always get excited when Anna shares new photos on her blog. She has a great eye for detail and is a tremendous source of inspiration. We've even been swapping photographs back and forth through the mail for nearly a year. Each month we decide on a theme or concept and then send each other our interpretations in photo form.

Today, December 21, 2010, marks the first day of winter up here in the Northern Hemisphere. Brr! To celebrate, if you will, I decided to share some winter film photos I took this past winter. I'm going to apologize right away for the white patch in the upper left corner of each photo. I always ask to have my film put on a disc when I drop it off for developing and this particular time around something funny happened during that process. Try not to let it deter you! I hope you enjoy them :)

This photo was taking during a snow fall. See the snow flakes?

These two photos were taken through a window screen to add texture.

For some reason this deer weathervane was affixed to our porch railing and not the roof, but either way I thought it made for a pretty photo!

Delicate, intricate frost.

Camera: Nikon FM 10
Film: Fujicolor Superia X-tra 400

Thank you for having look after your blog, Anna! It's been fun!

13 little notes:

Rhianne said...

I love film :) What gorgeous photos, I love the deer one, it definitely made for a pretty photo

Isadora Filković said...

Such a nice post!
I see you have a Nikon FM10, how is it? I have a FM2 and it makes me feel as if it could read my mind!
I love the last photo, so delicate and such a great tone as well.
I hope you have fun this winter ;)

Fantastique Mémoires from the Outer Space

May said...

nice pics

annawithlove said...

these are beautiful! I miss film!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Love the last one, beautiful!! Makes me like winter more!! Have a great week :) x

Flashes of Style said...

Oh these are gorgeous. I want snow!


Jan said...

Brrrr! You can almost feel the cold through the pictures! Great shots and awesome guest post :)

Kendra said...

gorgeous photos! especially the one of the frost detail. Happy winter!

days in mayfair

herecomesthesun said...

Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. Heading to check out your own blog now as well x

lauren, curious constellation said...

That deer weather vane is lovely!

Julie said...

great pictures! a beautiful way to capture the winter.

Emily, Ruby Slipper Journeys said...

These photos are perfectly wintry, and even that iron deer looks a little cold! Your film photography really makes me want to get on top of that little project of my own...

Gabbi said...

Emily, these are amazing! They look like stills in a movie... I'm sincerely jealous of your snow. Great guest post... ♥