the hedgehog (and a watercolour doodle)


I watched the Hedgehog on DVD last night, which is a wonderful French film, and I would highly recommend you check it out. Apart from the moving story itself, there were many scenes of crafting/drawing/filming/doing something creative - that being a (wannabe) creative person myself -  I'm such a sucker for those! There's something about watching the flow and movement of something beautiful being created that's kinda inspiring, don't you think? Well I know I was inspired, because I got out a tube of black watercolour paint that I've had for a while but never used, and started painting Paloma (the little girl in the movie) before the movie was finished (and let me tell you, going back and forth between looking down at a piece of paper and up to read the subtitles is not recommended! I had to rewind and replay some scenes a few times to keep on track, haha..). It's not much of a "painting", but I had fun doing it, and that's what matters, right?
 P.S. the winner of the Beta Accessories giveaway is #44 jhitomi. Congratulations! I'll be in touch shortly.

16 little notes:

Anonymous said...

so so cute! love creative movies like this..have to have a look! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I love the art in the movie!

Your watercolor is adorable, to :)

Renee said...

Oh sounds like a great movie and love your painting!

Cher' Shots said...

Your art is great! I get that same type of inspiration every time I watch Beatrix Potter movies.
'hugs from afar'

Anonymous said...

i'm gonna keep a look-out for that film!

Dagmarette Yen said...

I didnt know they had a movie. The book is absolutely delightful, though! I highly recommend it!

jhitomi said...

Thank you so much for this giveaway, I can't believe I won a gorgeous scarf! You've got a new follower for life!
I sure wish I could doodle like that.

Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

I have the book on my to read pile. I'd heard there'd be a movie but forgot about it entirely.
So thanks for showing us! I'm gonna buy it first chance I get.

And it's a very cute drawing you made:)

a blog about the little things said...

I had no idea The Elegance of the Hedgehog was made into a movie! I am so tickled! Will have to find it at my local indie video shop.
Lovely post!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like such an interesting film. Thanks for making this recommendation.

Veronica said...

your' blog is really cute!
Love your post!
Thanks for sharing!
Follow me?I'll be very happy if you do!
Thank you so much!

Habin Kim said...

definitely going to check that film out!

le ballon jaune said...

i'm glad the film went all over you! (the book is better though.)

Marta Martini said...

I wish I could draw like this...

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

Ah, your movie recommendations are always worth while. I will now try to track this one down.

Your painting is so sweet! It reminds me of the drawing of Mary in ''Mary and Max'' :)

Anonymous said...

that film is amazing...i totally felt in love with it!takes you in another world!