if i were an animal i would be...

I adore these sweet illustrations by Kareena Zerefos, especially that first one with the 2 children holding hands. I think of sibling tenderness when I see it and it reminds me of my big brother and I. Not that we ever dressed up as canaries though, but I'm sure we played our fair share of make believe games. These illustrations are a part of the "if i were an animal i would be..." series.
So, what animal would you like to be?
(a penguin or a giraffe for me!)
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27 little notes:

Jasmin said...

aww these are so adorable! x

Nora Chan said...

aww I love these. so cuteeeeeeeeee



Ally said...

oh gosh, they are adorable!!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous illustrations! ^__^
So creative!

Lucia said...

cute :)

I would like to be a dolphin!!

Anonymous said...

Sweetness :)

And it would have to be a sloth. Reckon I could really do with all that sleeping and lazing right about now!

Sari Sulistiyo said...

hallo mbak..salam kenal ya..
wah so cute gambarnya ^^
love ur blog too..

Dita Maulani said...

I would be the blue bird! They're sooo adorable! Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

Aww! These pieces are so great! What a great idea for artwork. Love your blog, too.

And, if I were an animal... I would be a red fox!

Tornadoes and Tigers said...

These illustrations a nice : )

I'd be some kind of cuddly bear. Maybe I'll go with a Panda!

alexkeller said...

so wonderful! i think i'd be some sort of cat - domestic? maybe a lioness or tigress. but i do recall my brother and i dressed up in homemade halloween costumes. both had tails, i'm sure :)

Dorothy said...

These are gorgeous! The illustrations remind me of the work by Sally Shand (ragdollillustrations.blogspot.com/).
Gorgeous blog by the way!

Tegan said...

me and my mum love these! and i think i would be a bird, i'd love to fly xo

Stay under the stars said...

Very, very cute artwork!

I think I would be a cat. Preferably a vegetarian cat, haha! ;)

daisychain said...

You find the best things x

PhotoPuddle said...

These are adorable.

Courtney said...

i love them as well. i don't know why but i tend to love art that looks like it could be part of a children's book. these are beautiful.

Dina said...

Such cute pictures!

I love your blog too.

I think I would love to be a Koi fish...they seem so chilled :)

Anonymous said...

Oooh... These are the loveliest drawings and they just made my day a hundred times better! Thank you xx

S and O said...

so cute!
when I was a kid I used to want to be a bunny :)

le ballon jaune said...

lovely ♡

(a bird!)

laura tj said...

i love kareena!! hmmm.. it's hard to decide what animal, i've just discovered how cute otters are so maybe an otter!

A Flourishing Perspective said...

Oh lands, these are adorable! I saved them all. Thanks so much for sharing.

I love the style of her illustrations. Hmmm, what animal? I'd definitely go with a giraffe too! They're so fantastic! :) I love their colours too.


Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

Ah, adorable! This post was quickly starred in my reader! ♥

Oh goodness, I don't know what I would be! Some funny little critter, perhaps, such as a squirrel or a mouse.

Rhianne said...

these are amazingly cute!

Galit said...

These are sooooo adorable!!! I extremely love the second and fourth ones.
I always failed on this question. Can't associate with any just one animal. Maybe a combination of a flying-deer-with-a-zebra-head kind of a thing. Should have flippers as well as I love the water!

CV Love said...

Waw! So Beautiful paint! =)