end of the week

界線 | the line between us
第三人稱 | the third-person
photography by Solar ikon

Sorry for my slight blogging absence. Things have been a bit hectic lately - part of me loves being a busy bee, but another part is drained out. Thank goodness for weekends, no? I think I'll use the time to relax and catch up with some blog reading. Any recommended new blogs I should check out?

11 little notes:

Lilacandgrey said...

i hear ya!
i am loving "sunday suppers"

Catherine Denton said...

Hope you're able to relax this weekend! This one's not new but I'm really enjoying it: Whole Latte Life.

My Blog

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Hope you can get some rest and relaxation this weekend!! Enjoy x

nova said...

Here's a whole list of blogs I love. You're bound to find a few you like in here!


Misty Chaos said...

Lovely photos.
Have a good weekend! ♥

daisychain said...

totally hear ya on being super busy lately! xo

yiqin; said...

the last photo is tken so well <3

Sarah Knight said...

Hope it's a fun and relaxing weekend - we all need those every now and then!

Anonymous said...

i really like those photographs...it feels like such a calm quite nighttime moment. i think i need one of those right now.

i'm totally obsessed with "my best friend jules" blog and "the jealous curator" blog currently.

and i would be remiss if i didn't tell you to check out my own!

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

I hope you had the relaxing weekend you desired!

You always find the best photographs to share. These are no exception.

Aloysius said...

Can anyone please suggest some cute blogs, that are a lot like Much Love, that just review books?