silence louder than a scream



Awe-inspiring photography by Mariell Amélie. The emotions these photos convey... I have no words.

P.S. deep aplogies for my own silence, and how I haven't been replying back to your comments in what feels like ages. Life outside of the blog has taken over - with it being busy, challenging, and a roller coaster of emotions these past couple of months. Do know that I read each and every comment, and appreciate them greatly. I've had rough days when your comments have been the only thing that has made me smile at the end of the day, and I can't thank you enough for being the most awesome blog readers ever. xo
Okay, I'll stop sounding overly dramatic now! (and yes, the days are getting better..)

11 little notes:

amberlee said...

The last photo is so amazing, i love it. Silence is sometimes what is needed, hope you get to the brighter side soon x

laura tj said...

hope your rough days have passed and you're feeling better!!

jillian :: cornflake dreams. said...

stunning photos.
im so glad to hear you are feeling better. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

jody said...

Good, i'm glad those days are getting better! I'm not sure about those photos, they definatley are awe inspiring! take care of you. x

Rhianne said...

oh wow, I have no words too... just wow.

glad things are getting better, sending lots of positiveness your way

p.s. I'm having another photoswap, you should take part :)

ane pixestos said...

Dearest Ana, for all the goodness that you share via your blog, I am sure it will return to you one hundred fold. It is hard, though, waiting it out sometimes - but the tough times are the proof that something better is coming - and I am really glad to hear that things are clearing up. :) Keep on keeping on! <3

Lauren said...

Wonderful photographs! You're right, so inspiring :)
I hope that real life is being good to you xo

Unknown said...

What amazing imagery.

Peta said...

I want that crochet bedspread!

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

These are gorgeous.

Sending hugs to you, dear Anna!

herecomesthesun said...

Hope you're ok Anna :) Thinking of you!

You know I love your blog xx