hot pot


So this was our seafood hot pot feast. It was pretty darn awesome, if I do say so myself! We ate loads of food and were so full, but man was it good. Oh, and yes, we did buy and tried out a couple of those hot chocolate drinks - purely out of curiousity and hilarity. After a whole process of reading the instructions over and over, pushing a button, waiting, shaking (the can, not ourselves), waiting some more, and lots of laughing (yeah, we are easily amused) - we had ourselves some sweet hot chocolate! It tasted alright actually, despite being too watery, we think a couple of marshmallows could make it better (hey, if they can figure out how to make a self-heating can, surely they can figure out how to include a marshmallow in there! Too much to ask? Fine.)

Good food, good friends, and a self heating can of hot chocolate... a recipe for an awesome winter weekend, if you ask me ;)

See you on Much Love Monday!

13 little notes:

Anonymous said...

Awww ... steamboat! I had my first steam boat a few weeks ago. Definately a fun experience that should be shared with friends.

Kelly @ Elegantly Academic

Lyndall said...

Yum! Such a perfect idea for a winter dinner :)

I guess you could always smush a marshmallow into the opening of the can? Hehe!

Linde de Papillon said...

i am really into eating it!!!!!

daisychain said...

Yum, Anna that looks amazing!

lala said...

yummy! <3
want to eat them all ;d

Claire Marie said...

Mmm that looks lovely! So warming and comforting.

Claire x

Luzmaría Alam said...

mmm looks good :D

Kelley Anne said...

Oh my goodness, that looks so good.

See Me Everywhere said...

Oooh seafood yum! I just wish my husband liked seafood as much as I did so I can make it more!

A self heating hot chocolate can?? That's the first I've heard of it! So crazy what people can make these days!

Miki said...

Yum! It looks amazing! Like shabu shabu :p.

Hope you have a colorful week! ;)


Sum said...

Hot pot is so good! Your pictures are a familiar scene to me. :)

Morenica said...

I miss asian food and that looks just perfect for the cold rainy day.

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

Ooh, look at that! A steamboat feast with friends looks like lots of fun :) And I can't get over that hot chocolate in a can. Who knew?!