much love monday

Love: meeting creative people, and being amazed by how their minds/hands/heart work. I had the pleasure of meeting some amazingly creative people during my visit home to Jogja last week, including a blogger/shop owner, a photographer, a puppet artist, a painter, and each one were multi-talented and inspiring. Just being surrounded by creative people is a joy to me. Maybe a part of me wishes that their talent could be contagious.

What are you loving?

Much Love Monday is a weekly blog post series, intended to start off each week with some positivity instead of the typical Monday blues!  
To join in Much Love Monday, simply do a blog post that includes a picture of a heart and mention something you love. Then leave a link of your blog post in the space below, by clicking on the "Add your link" button. If for any reason you can't add your link, please put it in the comments instead.

I'd really appreciate it if you do link back, 
either by a text link or simply grab this button:

Please note and respect: this space is for Much Love Monday blog posts ONLY, not a promotional space. If I notice that your link has nothing to do with Much Love Monday (unfortunately this has happened from time to time), I will have to delete the link.

You can also add your Much Love Monday photos to the Much Love Monday Flickr pool.

8 little notes:

jody said...

very sweet. wish i had something i could link up with! maybe next week! xx

Lauren said...

Unfortunately I’m not loving a lot today but your post certainly made me smile! Hopefully I can join in next week!

April said...

Creative people make life so much more fun! Love that candle and shell. ;)

Catherine Denton said...

Just realized my entry didn't have a heart. Ah well, the heart is there in spirit. ;) Love the new picture feature!

Diana said...

for a moment, i read "puppy artist", ha!

Sounds wonderful! I need to step out of my shell a bit and be brave!

ane pixestos said...

I just wanted to say... what a beautiful photo, and a beautiful post. Just thinking of creative minds is inspiring!

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

Your photos are always so relaxing. And pretty. I really like your shell dish.

Tell me about it! I wish that other people's creativity would rub off on me, too ;)

Sydney said...

cant get over the beautifulness of this photo... <3