another week ends


camera: LC-A+, film: Kodak Color Plus 200

Sometimes I really don't know, and get drained of trying to figure out how to be around other people. I don't even know if that makes sense.
It has been a tiring week and it's nice to come home and unwind.

P.S. love this pillow cover.

6 little notes:

Teaka said...

Yep, being around people can be both thrilling and exhausting. Hopefully we surround ourselves with people who build us up but we all need that alone, introvert time.
A closed bedroom door speaks wonders for my mind. :)

Little queue said...

Yeah I know feeling well... it is always nice to have some down time :)

Lucie said...

I totally agree! Beautiful shot x

Carmen said...

Totally understand where you are coming from. OFten you need a but of alone time to bring out your most creative self. Hope you are having a nice cozy weekend.

querido diário said...

i think we sometimes forget how to communicate 'live' with people,writing seems so much easy and distant*

Daydream Lily said...

I dont always know how to be around people either. Work morning teas are the worst. i avoid them. and i love her "love" pillow cover and the horse one.