next year: europe

I just booked flights to Europe!!! First stop: Paris in Spring 2014. I am beyond crazy excited!! I've never been before, and the idea of travelling excites me so much.

If anyone has tips on what to see/do particularly in France, Belgium, and Germany (other countries are welcome too though), or know of any good travel blogs to inspire me, please let me know.

P.S. photo is another outtake of Frocks on Film for Frocktober.

13 little notes:

Kasia Górska said...

I envy you so much!! You're going to love it there in Paris! :)) I'm planning to visit next summer as well.

Marie said...

Belgium ? I live in Belgium ! when you are interesting in the world war you need to come to Ypres , I live in Ypres :) Antwerp and Ghent are also very beautiful, but I think when you go to paris you don´t need to come to antwerp or ghent . When you want more Belgium trip advise , you can Always contact me

Nova said...

Well if I were you I'd book in with Uncle Allan at Conspiracy Inc in Berlin for a tattoo! :) haha

lauren, curious constellation said...

Oh wow! So jealous! I'm planning a trip there but only in 2015.

Anna Wallace said...

Oooh how lovely. I actually just returned from a month long stay in Paris. I recommend checking out the HiP Paris Blog (, they have great tips on food and such plus they have fantastic apartments for rent all over Paris. I stayed in one of them and it was a wonderful experience.

Also check out my blog for continued posts on my own tips and pictures from Paris.

Anonymous said...

Great Articles! Keep up the good work, I'll be back again to read more. Absolutely worth the read. Stay Inspired

Nancy // and while we are here said...

This is great! I can imagine how excited you are!

In France, I fell in love with Lyon. I worked there for some weeks and went back to it last year. It has the flair of Paris and the sun and colours of the South of France, I think :) If you have the time, I can definitely recommend a visit.

I live in Berlin, so if you plan to come to Berlin and have any questions about the city: just ask :)

Rhianne said...

Come see me, come see me! :)

So exciting about Paris though - take a lot of film!

Laura said...

Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam are all great. I just got back from a trip to Bruges in Belgium and it's a very beautiful place. Would recommend it over Brussels! x

Deer Little Fawn said...

Excited for you! I'm hoping to go to Paris for my birthday next year, I've never been. I spent two days in Amsterdam last week so there are some photos of that up on my blog if you're interested (and more to come). it's so pretty there

laura tj said...

woah that's super exciting!

Nancy Wilde said...

Oh wow! Let me know if you pop by Portugal too :P
Booking flights is possibly one of the best things ever. The feeling of antecipation and positivism...! xx

Anonymous said...

I'm late but how long are you staying in Europe? You should make it to Berlin, it's such an extraordinary city!