frocktober indoors, outtakes


Frocks on Film outtakes, specifically of the ones taken set up indoors in the comfort of my apartment. Taken with my new old Canon AE-1 camera, which is an SLR I'm very very happy with so far!

In case you haven't heard, I'm doing this to participate in Frocktober... which so far I'm falling behind in terms or reaching my goal, but there are still a couple more weeks worth of frocks, and if you'd like to donate (funds go to the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation), you will make my day.. I mean, month!

4 little notes:

daisychain said...

these are such pretty pictures Anna x

Anonymous said...

These are so pretty, Anna! I can't believe these are considered the outtakes. I love the cause you're doing this for. Definitely checking this out :)

Deer Little Fawn said...

Lovely pics, I like that second dress a lot. :)

querido diário said...

canon Ae1 is so good :)