photo source: top - middle - bottom
Something I like to ask my friends lately (just for fun):
If you could go to 5 cities in the world, anywhere at all, where would you go?
My answer changes all time time, but right now it's: London, Paris, L.A., Singapore, and Seoul. Ask me again tomorrow, and I'm sure I'll have a different list. What about you?

61 little notes:
cairo, jerusalem, moscow, honolulu, timbuktu
the last two just because i think that they are fun to say!
wonderful pictures !
my list : New York, San Fransciso, Montreal, Singapor and Prague :)
Paris, Portland, Ciaro, Dubrovnik and San Francisco.
Though, Im much like you, and this will probably change tomorrow.
Tokyo, Vancouver, Melbourne, Stockholm and Marrakech... at the moment. My list also changes daily :)
(and Portland, San Fran, LA...)
I love Paris so it is always on my list, Seattle, Boston, Portland, Tokyo. What a fun post! XO
I would go to
New York
and Bangkok
(I could easily make a list of 20 or more)
Great photos too!
japan, australia, cali (san francisco), newyork, umm and maybe north korea just for the sheer mind boggling experience (only 20 tourists gets admited into north korea per year i believe!)
lovely pics
japan tokyo, australia, cali (san francisco), newyork, umm and maybe north korea just for the sheer mind boggling experience (only 20 tourists gets admited into north korea per year i believe!)
lovely pics
London (yes!!!), Paris (of course!!), Venice (oooohhh :), Tokyo (this would be so awesome), and New York...that's where I'd go :)
p.s. I love your blog, it's changed since the last time I saw it! The back round is so vibrant :D
vientiane, kathmandu, marrakech, helsinki, and london.
though there are so many more ...
New York, Toyko, Cape Town, Amsterdam and Paris - though I should imagine mine would be different tomorrow as well :)
My fav city ^_^
Tokyo, London, Stockholm, Paris, Egypt
Barcelona, Marrakesh, Cairo, Sydney, Paris.
Cute post!
I'd like to go to Seoul, NYC, San Francisco, Istanbul, and Tokyo. Mine will probably change again in a few hours :P
I want to go back to Prague so badly but I also want to visit Cairo, San Sabastian, Auckland, and Santiago.
I love the idea of putting up maps as decorations. I have a few vintage maps that I plan on putting in my house when I can afford one.
Anywhere and everywhere in Italy!!
humm...Paris, New York, London, Berlin and Tokyo.
great pics!
santorini, greece
budapest, hungary
montreal, canada
istanbul, turkey
barcelona, spain.
i would love to travel the world!
Hmm, I have more countries, or regions than cities but here they are:
Uganda, Sri Lanka, Belize, Barcelona, Indonesia.
Love the pictures! :)
oh the pictures evoke serious travel fever. though who am i kidding? i'm always suffering from it. quite nice to suffer from it though.
cairo, paris, buenos aires, havana and tokyo!
how to repeat myself, but
i really really love the pictures.
Fun post and great pictures.
If I had to choose I'd say:
what a great question! at this moment: barcelona, new orleans, coupeville, avignon, budapest
Great question! Changes all the time for me too, but I'd say: Vienna, Salzburg, Honolulu (this choice I think is connected to the recent cold snaps...), Venice, and Bath.
Hmmmm, good question! Right now, I'll say London, Moscow, San Fransisco, Paris, and Rome! :D My list changes on an hourly basis, though, sooo... :)
I love this question. I change my answer all the time as well but at the moment I would say:
New York
This is such a fun question because it is someting i dream about all the time:
1. New York
2. Paris
3.Ho Chi Minh
4. Edinburgh
Great post, Anna! I was just thinking of photographing maps today :)
It's so hard to choose just 5 (my answers change all the time, too). London, Seattle, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Melbourne!
i just found your blog, and i am so glad, i have to say i think it is one of my favorites now! it is so beautiful, i love colors and the muted colors!
do you take all of your photos? what setting do you use with your camera, i love how they look!
im definitely following you now, cant wait for future posts!
xoxo, rose.
Too many to choose! But some I haven't been to before: Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Saigon, Wellington, and Rio De Janeiro.
Now I'm off to daydream...
San Fransicsco, Berlin, New York, Venice, and probably Milan. just off the top of my head. who list will change tomorrow, too =]
all i want to cover my walls with are maps.
Barcelona, Moscow, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany.
Sydney, New York, London, Berlin, Buenos Aires
That was fun! =)
Singapore! I'm honoured you'd think of us :) well lemme know if you ever do make it down here and I'll be sure to provide you with everything you need to know.
my top 5 - maldives, philippines, egypt, istanbul and sweden
Hmmm... I'd say:
love the pictures!
i would say london, vancouver, sydney, bangkok, ciaro
i guess today i would say... Denpasar in Bali, Seattle to meet on of my best friends, St Petersbourg, Vancouver and Buenos Aires !!
New York
New York
New York
New York
New York
..i'm a little obsessed at the moment.
i want to go to so many places, everywhere and anywhere, and feel so blessed to have the opportunity to travel the world (if i ever have enough money!!) and to explore my beautiful home country, Australia.
we are so privileged that we can daydream about all the amazing places in this world, knowing that we have the freedom to turn the dream into a reality.
I'm the same as you, they change all the time but today it is...
Toronto - because I am obsessed with canada
London - because I am half english and would love to see my heritage
Paris - for the art
Venice - again for the art and the scenery
aaand one more...Tahiti or Bali because I need to go somewhere tropical after all the other ones.
gosh, what a great question! I am a tourism management student, so I am basically thinking about that ever single day, haha.
1. Paris (in the spring or fall!)
2. Moscow (anytime)
3. Tokyo (when the cherry trees are blossoming so I can take a trip to the countryside and see them)
4. Istanbul (it must be so wonderful there!)
5. London (I have already been there twice but I wanna go around Christmas-time!)
I could probably write down 20 more cities from the top of my head, no kiddin'.
So nice Anna ! So nice !
if you ask me again tomorrow, i'm sure my list will change as well!
my 5 cities are: prague, tokyo, moscow, stockholm, santorini (ehh... this last one is more like islands, not cities but anyway i really want to go there!)
i spun my globe around and said wherever my fingers land, that's where I'll go. it landed on Afghanistan :/
5 cities? hmm..
New York, Reykjavic, Paris, St Petersburg & Kiev
The first thing I think about when travelling is which buildings I've yet to see - such an archigeek! Oh and I suppose Melbourne can sneak in there too, I have far too many friends down there that I haven't seen in an age - oops! Oh wait, and maybe NYC. Eek, 5 just isn't enough!
Paris, Bangkok, NY, Istanbul and Tokyo.
Oh, I love these photographs, cause I have a soft spot for world maps! Just world maps, and maps of countries, never really road maps, I never use those, I just drive around and get lost instead, haha. But I love looking at the world map and imagining all the places on it, and where I'll go next!
As far as five cities? Can they be cities I've already been to or are they supposed to be ones I've never been to? Well, I do one with only cities I've never been to before: Milan, Berlin, Cadiz, Stockholm, Moscow.
Of course, there's really more than that...those are just the first few that came to mind! :D
Hope you're well, dear! ♥
My list:
San Francisco, Morocco, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bombay
Vancouver (the Olympics made it looks so fun!!)
oooh.. now i'mm be dreaming all day!
Oh, memories...
you made me miss so many things again.
I would move forever to Venice or to Budapest, travel to Paris, London and there are many nice places remaining, but these 4 are the epithomy of what beautiful really means, to me.
I hope someday my wish will come true, as I wish the same for you! :)
Marrakesh, Paris (of course), New York, Mexico City and Tokyo :D
I'm not big on cities, can I just pick places? Alaska, New Zealand, Wisconsin, Tennesse andddd Ireland :) xx
Montreal, Berlin, Stockholm, Helsinki or Tokyo.
The only one I haven't been to is Tokyo! xo.
love the photos!
very inspiring!
would you like to link swap?
Ooo i like this!
Mine are : Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, San Fransciso and Barcelona
Love the photos!
My list: Shannon, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Salzburg and Avignon!
Ummm...New York, Tokyo, Paris, London, Amsterdam maybe :) hard call!
an easy list to make since it's something i think about a lot:
1. tokyo
2. seoul
3. paris
4. copenhagen
5. savannah
New York, Tokyo, London, Paris, Moscow. To name a few :)
New York, San Francisco, London, Melbourne and Stockholm :)
london, seattle, rome, athens, and somewhere in portugal or morocco. (if we're talking places i've never been.)
What a great question! My picks right now: Vancouver, Berlin, London, San Francisco, and Seattle.
Lovely pictures!
I would probably pick Berlin, Paris, Milan, Tokyo and New York.
Can I add Morocco? :)
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