weekend wishlist


It's probably not the best idea to be lusting over shiny new things when I already spent half the weekend shopping already, but still...
1. My friend Jennifer showed me this Shoegazing notecards set, knowing very well that I would love it considering my tendency to shoot my feet now and again (see top blog banner!).
2. I saw a girl on the tram listening to music with cute babushka earbuds like these. Since then I've been convinced that I also need cute earbuds in my life ears.
3. Is it a camera? Nope. It's a pencil sharpener. Genius.

18 little notes:

Sydney said...

awwww i NEED that pencil sharpener!

- sydsense

lauren, curious constellation said...

I love it when things aren't what you initially think they are and have a little sense of whimsicalness about them.

Laura said...

Love those shoe gazer notecards! I am also addicted to taking similar shots!

Green Tea and Cupcakes said...

Such cute items I love them all :)

Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

These are great! I know someone who would love the earbuds, this is the perfect birthday idea, thanks!

And I've been in love with that pencil sharpener too<3 Such a clever idea:)

Hope you're having a nice weekend!

Jennifer Lee. said...

wowwwww! those ear buds are definitely my payday treat next week :D

Natasha said...

The pencil sharpener is cute but the babushka earrings are adorable! xxx

Luzmaría Alam said...

OMG I want those earbods :D I am a fan of nesting dolls or matruiskas

Lyndall said...

Ooh, I love the shoe gazer notecards! I take so many of those type of photos.

herecomesthesun said...

the babushka earbuds are amazing! want!

jen said...

Hey Anna! :)
LOL I knew that foot photography postcard set is so you.
BTW the pencil sharpener, it's available at Typo. I got one about 1 month ago!

jen said...

Sorry Anna, I clicked too early... :P
Got it for my brother. But anyway, you can check it out at Typo if you want. :)

Miy said...

I want that shoegazing notecard very very much!! aaah...

Anna, sorry for the long delay of the latest Huff Magazine.. I've been so consumed by my new shop (lirshop.blogspot.com) and unable to deliver it ontime. So sorry.. I'm working on it now.

and btw, any chance of you coming to jogja this lebaran? hope we can meet.


The Picnic Girl

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

My goodness, how great are all of these items? I'd like to have those shoe gazing note cards, too :)

Meg said...

Great list! That pencil sharpener is pretty much the most magical thing to ever happen to pencil sharpeners.

Anonymous said...

That sharpener IS genius!

April said...

Fun things!

Aloysius said...

I bought some similar headphones with sunflowers instead. But they didn't have good quality sound. Let me know what you think of those though because they are super cute :)