I love: getting mail from faraway friends!
I received a fantastic box of goodies in the mail today, which was kindly sent to me by the wonderful Gabbi from Felinofelice. She sent me a beautiful hand-painted Kokeshi doll, which I won through a giveaway on her blog. Along with the doll, Gabbi also very generously sent me so many lovely gifts, which includes a box of yummy Jelly Bellys (see the heart shaped speck?!) and a fortune-telling "book of names" (which was spot on when it came to mine). Thank you so much Gabbi!
To join in Much Love Monday, simply do a blog post that includes a picture of a heart and mention something you love. Then leave a link of your blog post in the Linky space below, and put it in the thing you love as the tile.
You can also add your Much Love Monday photos to the Much Love Monday Flickr pool.

22 little notes:
How cute!
What a lovely bunch of items. I'm kind of drooling over the Jelly Bellys haha
I love getting happy mail! I love all the items you got, especially the fortune telling book. It looks like a lotta fun! xo
One of my best friends has got a lovely Kokeshi Doll, I must show her this post, Anna!!
I've introduced my curry recipe here, I published a few days ago but I think everybody should cook it, haha!!
The hand painted kokeshi doll is so precious. I love that you found a little heart with all the other splatters on the jelly bellys. What a beautiful package.
This is a fantastic giveaway! What lovely mail to receive. :)
so lovely <3
the jelly bean is sheer perfection!
such a fun package! i want one!!! happy monday, girl.
btw your blog is the best place to check out on a hard monday morning. its so inspiring. thanks!!!
Anna, I'm so glad it arrived and that you liked it. I'm sorry again for being such a flake! Wishing you a lovely new week...♥
the jelly-bean heart speck! it's amazing how you notice something like that!
It's great that she included extra little gifts, some people truly are wonderful.
Ooh, what an exciting package! As soon as I spotted the kokeshi I was guessing it was from Gabbi. :) So sweet.
I have a things for cute and happy color thingy. <3
this was a very cute much love monday :) good eye noticing the little heart on the jelly belly <3
So sweet! I love mail. :)
Hello, this is my first time participating. It took twice as long as I originally planned, because my home internet died. I submitted my title as "I ♥ Dumplings", but the link title showed up as "I ? Dumplings" oops.
That's such a beautiful package! So precious. <3
What a great box of goodies, how sweet!
Daisy Dayz Home
Aw, congrats on winning such a cool giveaway from Gabbi! Her kokeshi dolls are beautiful.
those are so cute ! ♥
new here.... so cute! I am currently extremely obsessed with hearts (as in each of my nails has at least 5 sparkly hearts on it).
your little metal birds and the color palette of the photo are so awesome. I love penpals/mail from around the world too
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